Goodbye to my final fandom...Battletech

 It was bound to happen.  The woke assholes fucked up everything from politics to entertainment and everything in between.  Cancel Culture started branding everyone haters and nazis if you didn't follow their guidelines.  

Disney, Marvel, Star Wars (okay, technically one group), DC, CW, WoTC, and then...Catalyst Games.

Now, I know some people want to blame Ace Kaller/Faith McClosky/"J" for this and I'll admit that the drama involving "J" and Blaine (andGeorge Ledoux)  did  influence my decision to stop buying Battletech products and walk away.  But honestly, I think I was already heading for the door BEFORE Blaine's termination.

You see, before the Blaine drama, something else happened.  A bunch of egotistical assholes and all around pieces of shit that I refer to as members of the Warhammer 40K community got bitchy because of some shit Games Workshop did and they decided to flee into Battletech.

These whiny bitches started to demand Battletech change things and make Battletech more like 40K.  They wanted aliens, they wanted magic, they wanted whatever the fuck they wanted to try to bring over from 40K into Battletech.  Keep in mind these are the same assholes who looked down on us Battletech players for DECADES and treated us like shit.  When some of us tried to join them in 40K in the past, they said we weren't real gamers because we couldn't spend thousands of dollars on miniatures and books.

We were the "poor wannabes who played a stupid giant stompy robot game that had no lore".

But then things went south and they suddenly fled their game and wanted into ours.  And I'll be honest, when some of these pieces of shit tried to force their way into our group, I showed them the same courtesy they showed me in the past:

I told them to fuck off.

Still didn't stop the assholes from invading and fucking up our game.

 Then the shit with "Faith"/"Ace"/"J" and Blaine happened and then the Battletech Community was divided and it was "Now you have to pick a side or else".

 That little bit right there made me say "You know what, I've had enough this shit, fuck you all, I'm out."

And truthfully, this isn't the first time I wanted to walk away from Battletech.  When Dark Age game out and Weisman and Stackpole basically tried to turn Battletech into a dumbed down click-base game and Star Wars knockoff, I almost left right then and there.  It also didn't help that Weisman and Stackpole were shitting on longtime fans and basically said "fuck you, we don't want you and your money anymore".

 I posted my opinion on a few community boards back then and, oddly enough, two people convinced me to stay.  Those two people were Blaine Pardoe and Loren Coleman and they told me to stick around and read their novels that were coming out.  And I will admit that Catalyst did succeed in getting rid of the Star Wars knockoff, but it took them years to do it.

And I'll have to admit that "flipping the script" of making the "Senate" the bad guys and the Emperor/Exarch figure and his few followers kind of the good guys was fun to watch.

However, the Republic was a  bad idea story wise and it still feels like a Star Wars knockoff (and I'll blame Stackpole for that since he had been writing Star Wars stuff for several years before "returning" to Batttletech).

But the sudden influx of the assholes from Warhammer40K crowd (most of them being cancel culture assholes as well as egotistical snobs) soured me to the point of thinking about walking away as they flooded the community.  And honestly, it wasn't even "J"/"Ace"/"Faith" and Blaine that made me ultimately walk away.  Yeah, it might have brought me to the door, but it was someone else who made me step through it.

 Ace/"J", if you're reading this, I'll be honest with you.  Granted, my opinion really doesn't mean shit, but I'll say it anyway.  Yes, I think you're all around scum and you pulled some shit, but everyone has at some point.  I don't trust you and I don't think highly of you, but I'm not going to spend my time wishing bad things to happen to you and treat you like shit every time I post because I have better things to do in life like work for a living and  surviving in the real world.  I also don't think too highly of certain other people who "cashed in" on the drama and still are even almost a year later.

The only person I have any real disdain for is a certain voice actor, but even that is mostly muted to mere annoyance at best.  But hey, if the great "Duncan Fisher" says there's no place for me in Battltech, who am I to argue with that?

So, Battltech doesn't want my money anymore because I won't pick a side?  Okay, I'm done with it.  I have my miniatures, I have many manuals, maps, and rulebooks I've collected over several years, and I also have a 3D printer so I can make my own miniatures.  

 Really don't need anything else.


So, yeah, I'm done.  Time to move on and focus on more important things.







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